News & Blog Designer Pack Pro Changelog

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1.4.2 (14 April, 2024)

							* [New] - Added two new shortcodes 'Simple List' and 'Archive List' shortcode.
							* [New] - Added show/hide author and show/hide image support for widgets.
							* [New] - Added setting to take 'First Image From Post Content' when the post featured image is not available.
							* [New] - Added setting for 'Post Default Featured Image' when the post featured image is not available.
							* [New] - Added 'Custom JS' setting to add custom JS for the plugin.
							* [Fix] - Fixed one slider design issue in safari browser.
							* [Fix] - `Content Word Limit` is not working in post grid design-1.
							* [Update] - WhatsApp sharing to work in both desktop and mobile without any issue.
							* [Update] - Check compatibility with WordPress 6.5
							* [Update] - Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.7
							* [Update] - Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy.

1.4.1 (30 March, 2023)

							* [Update] - Added new parameter in category / taxonomy ticker - term_image and media_size.
							* [Update] - Added new option in post slider where you can display post title, date in thumbnail section.
							* [Update] - Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.5.6

1.4 (15 Jan, 2023)

							* [New] - Added new shortcode category / taxonomy ticker.
							* [Fix] - Fixed 'css_class' shortcode parameter is not working for taxonomy ticker and post ticker.
							* [Fix] - Fixed SEO & HTML validation error of empty image source when plugin lazy load is enabled.
							* [Fix] - Fixed some CSS issues.
							* [Update] - Update escaping functions for better security.
							* [Update] - Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.5.3
							* [Update] - Check compatibility with WordPress 6.1.1
							* [Update] - Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy.

1.3.2 (26 Feb, 2022)

							* [Tested] - Check compatibility with WordPress 5.9.3.
							* [Updated] - Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.4.3

1.3.1 (08 Feb, 2022)

							* [Fix] - Fixed VC page builder issue.
							* [Tested] - Tested upto 5.9
							* [Added] - Added filter for featured image.

1.3 (11 Sep, 2021)

							* [Fix] - Fixed vertical scrolling widget issue when browser tab does not have focus.
							* [Update] - Improve responsive for Carousel shortcode.
							* [Update] - Improve responsive for Grid shortcode.

1.2 (05 Aug, 2021)

							* [New] - Added new pagination numeric Ajax (numeric-ajax) for Category Grid.
							* [Fix] - Fixed Post Slider Widget automatically starts on swipe when auto play is off.
							* [Fix] - Fixed Post sub title is missing in Ajax pagination.
							* [Fix] - Fixed Category Ajax Pagination issue when URL have page parameter.
							* [Fix] - Fixed missing Category Icon and Category Color in Ajax pagination for Category Grid.
							* [Fix] - Fixed style manager pagination style not working Category Grid Ajax pagination.
							* [Fix] - Fixed missing CSS classes in Ajax pagination for Category Grid.

1.1 (26 July, 2021)

							* [New] - Added Post sub title functionality.
							* [New] - Added 'Viber' and 'XING' sharing functionality.
							* [Fix] - Ajax Pagination issue when URL have page parameter.
							* [Fix] - Fixed Ajax Pagination issue when URL have page parameter.
							* [Fix] - Fixed Category slug is not working with Ajax pagination.
							* [Fix] - Fixed Slider and Carousel automatically starts on swipe when auto play is off.

1.0.3 (28 Jan, 2021)

							* [New] - Added new pagination numeric ajax (numeric-ajax).
							* [New] - Added pagination styling option in style manager.
							* [New] - Added option to disable image hover zoom animation under style manager.
							* [New] - Updated freemius SDK to latest version.
							* [Update] - Improve WP Bakery page builder support.
							* [Update] - JS syntax with compatibility to WordPress 5.6 and jQuery 3.0+
							* [Fix] - Masonry is not going to be initialize in Twenty Nineteen theme.
							* [Fix] - Missing CSS classes after AJAX pagination.

1.0.2 (14 Sep, 2020)

							* [New] - Added equal height functionality for carousel. Now add 'bdpp-equal-height' CSS class as a shortcode parameter.
							* [New] - Added new shortcode parameter 'category_operator' and 'cat_taxonomy'.
							* [New] - Added category slug support for shortcode parameter "category". Now you can use this paramater with category id as well as category slug.
							* [Update] - Update ticker script for more effects and RTL support.
							* [Update] - Added CSS class to post meta separator for styling purpose.
							* [Update] - Check plugin compatibility with WordPress 5.5
							* [Update] - Added new JS method so it will not break if any previous JS have an error.
							* [Fix] - One PHP variable warning with Ajax pagination.

1.0.1 (16 June, 2020)

							* [New] - Added Vertical Scrolling Post Slider widget.
							* [New] - Added Style Manager functionality. Now you can apply basic CSS style to shortcodes easily.
							* [Fix] - CSS editor Initialize issue on setting box toggle.
							* [Fix] - A little jerking in a setting screen when we save or reset the plugin settings.
							* [Fix] - Inview Js causing some error on some theme which uses the Inview JS also.
							* [Fix] - 'url_hash_listener' shortcode parameter is not working with Carousel and Grid Box Slider.
							* [Fix] - Minor designing issue in carousel design 9.
							* [Fix] - Some typo mistake.
							* [Fix] - Some CSS issues.
							* [Update] - Added 'Save Settings' button at top in plugin settings page for better user experience.
							* [Tweak] - Renamed 'Template Manager' menu to 'Shortcode Templates' for better understanding.

1.0 (15 Jan, 2020

							* Initial release.

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