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  4. eCard Post Settings
  5. eCard Form Fields Settings

eCard Form Fields Settings

Submit Button Text

Enter ecard form submit button text. Default text is Send.

eCard Name Field

This is the ecard form `Name` field. You can Enable/Disable, Provide label, Provide placeholder and Make it required.

eCard Your Mail Field

This is the ecard form `Mail` field. You can Provide label and placeholder to it.

eCard Your Friend Mail Field

This is the ecard form `Friend Mail` field. You can Provide label and placeholder to it.

eCard More Recipients Field

This is the ecard form `More Recipient` field. You can Enable/Disable, Provide label, Provide placeholder and Provide the extra Recipients Limit.
Extra recipients email beyond the limit will be neglected.
You can choose field display type. One is “Textarea – Comma Seperated Values” and second is “Add More Type – Seperate Values”.

eCard Message Field

This is the ecard form `Message` field. You can Enable/Disable, Provide label, Provide placeholder and Make it required.

eCard Send Copy to Self Field

This is the ecard form `Self Copy` checkbox field. You can Enable/Disable and Provide label to it.

eCard Terms & Service Field

This is the ecard form `Terms and Service` checkbox field. You can Enable/Disable, Provide label and choose Terms & Service Page.

eCard Custom Image Upload Field

This is the ecard form `Custom Image` upload field. You can Enable/Disable and Provide label to it.

Google reCaptcha Field

This is the `Google reCaptcha` field in ecard form. You can Enable/Disable, Provide label and choose reCaptcha Theme, reCaptcha Type and reCaptcha Size.