Email settings holds the various email related settings for the ecard.

Email Template
Choose an email template for ecard.
Upload or choose your site logo which will be displayed at the top of the emails. This option will work only in HTML emails template.
From Name
Enter from name for email which will be displayed in sent ecard email address as from name.
From Email
Enter from email for ecard email which will be displayed in sent ecard email address as from email. This will be used as Reply-To email address also.
Enter subject line for ecard email.
Additional Headers
Enter some additional headers for email like `Reply To` and etc. This option is useful when you are using any dedicated email address as from Email address then simply you can set Reply-to to sender email address rather then your email address.
Please enter proper data within this otherwise it causes failure email delivery.
eCard email body
You can say this ecard email footer body. This will be added after the user message. You can display any addition information at the end of email address.
Admin Email Notification
Check the box if you want to enable the email notification when ecard is sent.
Enter the email address(es) as comma separated that should receive a notification when an ecard is sent.
Enter the subject line for the admin notification email.
Admin email body
Customize the email that is sent to admin. You can use various template tags inside that which will provide you the information about the sent ecard.